UW Health
- The team at UW Health is in the process of implementing an experiential Tech Wall in the new Main Clinics Entry / Transplant Clinic 
- Additional tech walls are planned, and the initial one will precede the opening of the organization's transplant center 
- As the wall will be influenced and content potentially managed by multiple parts of the organization, there is a need to design operating processes, roles, responsibilities, and protocols
The question we must answer is this:
What is the most impactful and appropriate role for this piece of technology to play in order to advance UW Health's Patient Experience goals?
TEAM: Product Strategist, Project Manager, UX/UI Designer | Researcher
RESPONSIBILITIES: UX/UI Designer | Researcher, Workshop Facilitator
DURATION: July - November
​​TOOLS: Figma, PowerPoint, Microsoft Teams, Notes, Post-Its, Paper & Pen
- The facility is older, very complex, and isn't easy to navigate from the parking lot to the reception area and the doctor's office
- The Tech Wall is a brand new concept for patients, some of whom don't own smartphones or MyChart Health 
- Some UW patients also don't speak English
- Patients often ask similar things, and the staff will repeat the same information to everyone walking into the building
- The Tech Wall is a tool to help both patients and staff members
- The wall can efficiently communicate with these patients that walk in through the reception area is very important
- By using the wall to handle questions once users enter the building, we can elevate the patient and staff experience

- Side note: there's an effort underway to redesign the lobby of the main building
Our team has come together to make this transition for UW's team smoother and act as a facilitator between the Tech Wall sponsors and the employees. Part of the process, after the interviews, is to facilitate workshops, gather real-time feedback from the UW team, and make sure the personas and journeys in the project are cohesive. 
We are taking a holistic business approach, connecting every department in the organization to help them work as one team. 
We created three personas to represent the UW Health patients best: Suzette, Andres, and Don. Grace, our fourth persona, works as Guest Services at UW Health; she will be working in front of the tech wall and face many daily challenges, including helping patients and answering similar questions all day. ​​​​​​​
We created four user journeys to map the actions, tasks, thoughts, and emotions of our personas. We have also added the problems that could arise while the personas are going through the journey. We expect to work with UW's team on the workshops to find opportunities, and expectations (along with additional contexts such as ownership and metrics), and insights gained from mapping; they speak to how the user experience can be optimized. 
- What needs to be done with this knowledge?
- Where are the most significant opportunities?
- How are we going to measure improvements we implement?
Currently, every Persona’s journey could be as many as 12 touches. The ideal number of interactions by persona can be used as a target metric to inform progress. 
   Ideal journey interactions are:
-  Hi-Touch Journey: From 12 to 7
-  The Necessary Touch Journey: From 11 to 5
-  The Smart Touch Journey: From 12 to 2
Suzette: The high touch journey
Suzette: The high touch journey
Don: The necessary touch journey
Don: The necessary touch journey
Andres: The smart touch journey
Andres: The smart touch journey
After analyzing the current and ideal journey, we created our MVP user flows. Our focus was on finding the most straightforward solution while considering the needs of the user
PRODUCT: UWH Patient Info Wall (Recommend the wall be given a memorable name)
VISION/GOAL: The Product aids Grace in ensuring a seamless visit journey for Suzette, Don, and Andres by providing easily accessible, timely, pertinent, and caring information addressing patients’ non-medical concerns, stresses, and uncertainties during their visit.
- Post-visit survey questions to capture key measures (helpfulness, relevance, legibility)
- Bi-annual qualitative and quantitative experience audits with target audiences to inform the roadmap
- Indirect data such as QR downloads to monitor the Wall’s helpfulness in meeting eArrival & eCheckin conversions
The current patient journey is confusing, and frustrating leaving patients with a lot of anxiety at a time they need to feel secure and welcomed. 
Current Journey
Current Journey
Three Personas = Three Journeys
Three Personas = Three Journeys
Desired Experience Progression
Desired Experience Progression
The Info Wall aids Grace in ensuring a seamless visit journey for Suzette, Don, and Andres by providing easily accessible, timely, pertinent, and caring information addressing patients’ non-medical concerns, stresses, and uncertainties during their visit.
The goal is to offer a seamless visit journey
The goal is to offer a seamless visit journey
The Info Wall 'Job Description'
The Info Wall 'Job Description'
The Info Wall 'Job Description'
The Info Wall 'Job Description'
I recommended 'zones' for the wall to inform patients of the most relevant subjects for the hospital. For example, the Tech Wall will be located behind the Guest Services Area, and the greeters can 'educate' the user's overtime on the information on the wall. With a zoned system, users know what to expect to find in each section of the wall, getting used to the new tool that can be frightening for some patients. 
Overview View of the Tech Wall
Overview View of the Tech Wall
Zone 1: Empathy & Connection
Zone 1: Empathy & Connection
Zone 2: Wayfinding
Zone 2: Wayfinding
Zone 3: Visit Navigation
Zone 3: Visit Navigation
Zone 4: Urgent Help
Zone 4: Urgent Help
Zone 5: Easy Departure
Zone 5: Easy Departure
The Ticker Zone: Urgent Announcements
The Ticker Zone: Urgent Announcements
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