Olive Health App 
OVERVIEW: Olive App is a responsive health app that provides users a reliable and healthy way to learn about foods, recipes and engage with the community and health experts.
GOALS: Olive will teach users how to eat better, healthier, and make nutritious recipes daily. Users will have easy access to recipes, video recipes and have a chance to chat with experts through the app.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Solo project: UX/UI Designer and Researcher
​​TOOLS: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Miro, Optimal Sort, UsabilityHub, Balsamiq, Google Forms, Keynote, Zoom, Post-Its, Paper & Pen
- Interviewed five participants through a cognitive walkthrough of the app
- Determine users position on eating healthier
- Identify users' pain points using health-related apps
- Discover how users feel about using the app to scan products at the grocery store; learning more about everything the food they purchase
- Discover how users feel about having a community in the app for experience sharing, support, and learning
- Understand if users would like a health app not only focused on losing weight
- Learning the users' main frustrations was to use multiple apps to learn about health, recipes, and exercises
- Olive has two primary personas, a busy mom and a person with diabetes
- Sarah, the busy mom, wants to eat healthier and have easy access to recipes for herself and her family
- Albert, a lifelong diabetic, wants to use the app to eat healthier and control his diabetes since he often needs to give updates to his doctor
- Both want to have easy access to recipes and shop the right food for their diet at the grocery
- Used OptimalSort card sort
- Delivered open card sorts to twelve participants - eleven participants completed
- Twenty cards, including original categories from iteration one
- Sitemap and competitor analysis successfully finalized
- First wireframes created 
Splash + Onboarding
Splash + Onboarding
Landing Page
Landing Page
Search Food Page
Search Food Page
FEATURE 1 - Search Food Tool: This tool can be used with your phone, while on the web, the user can use the search food option to browse foods, and learn about healthier options
FEATURE 2 - Scan Food Tool: This tool can only be used with your phone, while on the web, the user can use the search food option to browse foods, and learn about healthier options
FEATURE 3: Browse Food Tool - This tool can be used with your phone and website, and it's helpful in case you want to find information in something you can't scan, such as fruits and vegetables
- Figma was used to digitalize the mid-fidelity wireframes and iterate an improved design solution
- The goal is to have the high-fidelity prototypes further communicate functionality by providing more detail and precise UI placement to have a more visual feel and look for the Olive app
- The study consists of 5 participants recruited through friends, family, and social media platforms such as Slack
- The target users were the ones that either have previous experience with health apps or have a health condition and want to eat healthier
- Assess the utility and usability of Olive for new users on mobile devices
- Assess the length of time and the number of pages that take a user to perform specific tasks
- The stress level of the users during the execution of tasks
- Observe and measure if users understand the app, its value, and how to complete essential functions such as signing up and adding recipes
- Participants liked the app idea and mentioned they would use it daily
- They found it very easy to navigate and find information
- Users had difficulty understanding the questionnaire due to the non-intuitive design and lack of descriptions or instructions
- By listening to all the participants' feedback and making adjustments accordingly, Olive is becoming a more user-centered app
Objectives: Determine which pre-sign-up screens are more appealing and engaging for the participants.
Methodology: A preference test was conducted using Usability Hub. I uploaded two screens but the same content, both with different styles, photos, and sizes. The participants were asked to choose which one they liked best between screens A and B.
Participants: Thirty participants took part in the test.
There was a significant difference between the two screens, with most users opting for test B—the screen with larger images. This option had 77% of the total responses, with a much higher chance of performing better. I will be updating my prototype with this option moving forward.
- Always test the product, and conduct user interviews as many times and as much as possible
- Iterate, iterate, iterate
- Discuss with the team as many times as possible, preferably in an Agile environment 
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